2022 Youth Delegate Communiqué

Take action for a more inclusive, sustainable future with the input and policy recommendations of young people across 130+ countries

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2022 Youth Delegate Communiqué

Take action for a more inclusive, sustainable future with the input
and policy recommendations of young people across 130+ countries


"As the lines increasingly blur between our physical and digital experiences—and our identities—ethics, access and equity of opportunity are vital considerations, as are the implications on health, socio-emotional wellbeing and personal privacy. How are we showing up in the world and what does that mean for our self-awareness?"

- Kelly Lovell,
Global Chair, YOUNGA
CEO and Founder, BridgingTheGap Ventures

Communique Preview
This Communiqué summarizes the recommendations and tangible action steps our Younga® 2022 Youth Delegation wants to see our current decision-makers implement. The 2022 Policy Working Groups met over the course of six weeks to…
  1. Understand the priorities
  2. Identify the external factors, challenges and opportunity gaps
  3. Summarize the results and develop recommendations for action

Download the full 54 page 2022 Communiqué report to learn more about the future youth want and the action we need to accelerate progress towards an inclusive, sustainable future for all.

"Our theme this year—Bridging our meta-physical worlds—has provided the space and platform for our Youth Delegates, speakers and partners to further discover these new dimensions and ways to drive action in their own communities and around the world. On behalf of the 2022 Youth Delegation, I’m excited to unveil this year’s Communiqué and hope it will serve as a launchpad for increased awareness, advocacy and action."

- Jaclyn Stief,
Director of Programming and Global Policy,
BridgingTheGap Ventures

The Younga 2022 Youth Delegation¹ were…

Star 02
Underserved groups
0 %
Global South
People of Colour2
Climate Action And Sustainable Living Sticker Version 1
Representing countries
0 +
People facing barriers to education and employment3
Persons with mental health challenges or illness4
¹ Of those who chose to identify themselves
² Includes those who identified as Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC), Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) and Indigenous peoples (4.7%)
3 Includes those who identified as low-income persons and persons who are underemployed/unemployed or experiencing barriers to employment
4 Includes those who identified as persons with mental health challenges and persons with mental illness



Select a thematic track to view its key recommendations

Placeholders Communique Page Climate Action And Sustainable Living Print

Climate Action and Sustainable Living


  • Food insecurity and waste
  • Pollution, emissions and energy
  • Vulnerable communities

Key Recommendations

  1. Implement sustainable agricultural technologies and innovations to effectively tackle food insecurity and waste
  2. Increase protection and restoration of land, water and air affected by climate change and the communities surrounding them 
  3. Regulate financial accountability for emissions and invest in renewable energy solutions
  4. Prioritize vulnerable communities in decision-making processes and address the intersectional impacts of climate change
Thematic Track Photos 02
of the population breathes air that exceeds WHO guideline limits and contains high levels of pollutants.

(WHO, 2022)
of the population breathes air that exceeds WHO guideline limits and contains high levels of pollutants.

(WHO, 2022)

Input from Working Group Leaders...

Placeholders Communique Page Equality And Inclusion Print 06

Equality and Inclusion


  • Food insecurity and waste
  • Pollution, emissions and energy
  • Vulnerable communities

Key Recommendations

  1. Formulate, pass and enforce policies, rules and regulations to prohibit discrimination and reduce poverty
  2. Allocate funding for the creation of appropriate infrastructure that upholds the dignity of everyone
  3. Create education and employment environments where all can thrive, feel empowered and achieve their full potential
people are still offline,
most of them women and
in developing countries.

(United Nations, 2021)
0 billion
people are still offline,
most of them women and
in developing countries.

(United Nations, 2021)
0 billion

Input from Working Group Leaders...

Placeholders Communique Page Equality And Inclusion Print 05

Future of Education
and Work


  • Flaws in the school curriculum
  • Non-inclusive education
  • Skills gap and unemployment

Key Recommendations

  1. Review the curriculum regularly to incorporate emerging trends, tools and knowledge
  2. Improve access and inclusion in education
  3. Rethink traditional education delivery to better prepare students for the future of work
of the global student population has been affected by COVID-19-related school closures during the pandemic.

(RAND Corporation, 2021)
of the global student population has been affected by COVID-19-related school closures during the pandemic.

(RAND Corporation, 2021)

Input from Working Group Leaders...

Placeholders Communique Page Mental Health And Wellbeing

Mental Health and Wellbeing



  • Access to health services and resources
  • Health stigma and discrimination
  • Accessibility-based regulations and standards

Key Recommendations

  1. Increase diversity in clinical settings to ensure all cultural, ethnic and racial groups have equitable access and treatment
  2. Revise policies for mental health accessibility and affordability
  3. Prioritize health supports and services for underserved populations
  4. Expand educational efforts for mental health and physical wellbeing
  5. Ensure inclusion, accommodation and support of the health and ability of all workers
of countries are facing critical bottlenecks to scaling up access to essential COVID-19 tools.

(WHO, 2022)
of countries are facing critical bottlenecks to scaling up access to essential COVID-19 tools.

(WHO, 2022)

Input from Working Group Leaders...

Placeholders Communique Page Peace And Justice

Peace and Justice


  • Persistence of conflict 
  • Youth in peacebuilding and decision-making processes
  • Good and inclusive governance

Key Recommendations

  1. Establish and implement official safeguards to ensure the security of victims during conflict
  2. Develop policies to safeguard the rights of all people in the context of human mobility
  3. Ensure youth representation in public spaces
  4. Create educational programs that nurture conflict resolution and peacebuilding for the SDGs
  5. Set up accountability measures for governments, organizations and institutions to ensure peace and justice are upheld
Thematic Track Photos 05
is the global economic impact of violence—equivalent to 10.9% of the global GDP.

(Institute for Economics
and Peace (IEP), 2022)
$ 0 trillion
is the global economic impact of violence—equivalent to 10.9% of the global GDP.

(Institute for Economics
and Peace (IEP), 2022)
$ 0 trillion

Input from Working Group Leaders...


Organized by BridgingTheGap Ventures, Younga® is the largest global festival for impact. Using mixed reality, Younga unites young people with decision-makers to co-create solutions for a more inclusive, sustainable world during the United Nations Decade of Action from 2020 to 2030.

Through interactive and intergenerational experiences, Younga equips young people with skill-building opportunities, action-oriented programming and curated connections.  As a global participatory platform, Younga empowers youth to share their hopes, concerns and ideas for the future with the world’s top industry leaders, celebrity influencers, brands and organizations.
Younga 2022 Loose Page9comp

About BridgingTheGap Ventures

BridgingTheGap Ventures was founded with the goal of bringing together young changemakers with the world’s top industry leaders, decision-makers and influencers to usher in a new era for humanity that is more connected, collaborative and empowered than the status quo.

We curate content, agency and audience for influential talent and global brands—giving them a platform to connect with young people around the world in an authentic and relevant way to drive meaningful results.

Providing access is central to all that we do—bridging opportunity gaps for underrepresented and underserved groups in order to foster inclusive innovation, prepare for the future of education and work, and co-create solutions to community challenges.

Through interactive, intergenerational and intersectional live experiences, we create spaces for youth-led innovation and future skills development so the next generation can adapt and thrive.

Our policy efforts and research insights not only inform the work that we do but are leveraged and highly valued by partners to understand, engage and amplify the youth voice.

We’ve built a global, curated community of active youth champions and passionate young people that organizations, brands and thought leaders can directly tap into—whether it be to showcase new initiatives, gather youth input or scale social impact.


Download the complete 2022 Communiqué to access all of the issues and recommendations brought forth by our 2022 Youth Delegation