2023-2024 Youth Delegate Communiqué

Take action for a more inclusive, sustainable future with the input and policy recommendations of young people across 140 countries

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"When faced with change, we can replace apathy with hope by giving wanderers a compass to find their way—for those who wander alone may be lost but those who journey together with a purpose have a shared direction and destination."

- Kelly Lovell,
Global Chair, YOUNGA
CEO and Founder, BridgingTheGap Ventures

1 Communique Cover Compress
This Communiqué summarizes the recommendations and tangible action steps our Younga® 2023 Youth Delegation wants to see our current decision-makers implement. The 2023 Policy Working Groups met over the course of six weeks to…
  1. Understand the priorities
  2. Identify the external factors, challenges and opportunity gaps
  3. Summarize the results and develop recommendations for action
Download the full 62 page 2023-2024 Communiqué report to learn more about the future youth want and the action we need to accelerate progress towards an inclusive, sustainable future for all.

"How do we navigate trying times in our lives when we may be unsure or unaware of the way forward? We should pay attention to the signs and landmarks along our journey that give us hints at what’s the right path for us to follow. That means increasing our efforts and investment in actionable solutions already creating meaningful impact and transforming efforts that have stagnated or failed to achieve their desired outcomes."

- Jaclyn Stief,
Director of Programming and Global Policy,
BridgingTheGap Ventures

The Younga 2023 Youth Delegation¹ were…

Star 02
Underserved groups
0 %
Global South
People of Colour2
Climate Action And Sustainable Living Sticker Version 1
Representing countries
People facing barriers to education and employment3
Persons with mental health challenges or illness4
¹ Of those who chose to identify themselves
² Includes those who identified as Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC), Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) and Indigenous peoples (4.7%)
3 Includes those who identified as low-income persons and persons who are underemployed/unemployed or experiencing barriers to employment
4 Includes those who identified as persons with mental health challenges and persons with mental illness



Select a thematic track to view its key recommendations

Placeholders Communique Page Climate Action And Sustainable Living Print

Climate Action and Sustainable Living


  • Clean energy
  • Food and water security
  • Education, awareness and green skills

Key Recommendations

  1. Promote and encourage sustainable food production methods
  2. Foster water stewardship and increase adaptive capacity to current water risks
  3. Advance nature-based solutions for reducing carbon emissions
  4. Ensure a just transition from fossil fuels to clean energy sources
  5. Bridge the awareness and knowledge gaps on climate change
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Agriculture accounts for 72% of global freshwater withdrawals, the highest of all sectors. (UN, 2023)
Agriculture accounts for 72% of global freshwater withdrawals, the highest of all sectors. (UN, 2023)

Input from Working Group Leaders...

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Equality and Inclusion

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  • Representation
  • Equality and human rights
  • Access
  • Gender

Key Recommendations

  1. Formulate, pass and enforce policies to ensure equitable representation of underrepresented and underserved groups
  2. Recognize and address the impact intersectionality has on realizing individuals’ human rights
  3. Identify and remove access barriers in workplaces, digital spaces and communities
  4. Implement universal design principles for all new and existing infrastructure
  5. Systemically address the underlying causes of gender inequality
people have been forced to flee their homes due to conflict, persecution and human rights violations, as of September 2023. (UNHCR, 2023)
0 million
people have been forced to flee their homes due to conflict, persecution and human rights violations, as of September 2023. (UNHCR, 2023)
0 million

Input from Working Group Leaders...

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Future of Education
and Work

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  • Digital divide and tech disruption
  • Gap in holistic education and skill development
  • Accessibility, equality and inclusivity in education

Key Recommendations

  1. Integrate digital literacy training and technology into the school curriculum
  2. Update the school curriculum and assessment formats to create an inclusive, holistic measure of student performance
  3. Ensure employees have access to ongoing upskilling
  4. Increase inclusive access to education for marginalized children and youth
  5. Improve affordability, inclusion and supports in education
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The skills gap—the discrepancy between skills required for employment and the skills individuals actually possess— is estimated to affect 1.3 billion people worldwide. (Puckett, J et al., 2020)
0 billion
The skills gap—the discrepancy between skills required for employment and the skills individuals actually possess— is estimated to affect 1.3 billion people worldwide. (Puckett, J et al., 2020)
0 billion

Input from Working Group Leaders...

Placeholders Communique Page Mental Health And Wellbeing

Mental Health and Wellbeing



  • Inadequate access to mental health services
  • Mental health stigma and lack of awareness
  • Mitigate malnutrition and preventable diseases

Key Recommendations

  1. Expand and integrate mental health coverage, services and supports into the healthcare system
  2. Bolster diversity and cultural awareness in the mental health workforce
  3. Achieve greater community wellness through improved access to food, nutrition education and healthy lifestyles
  4. Increase mental health literacy in schools, workplaces and communities
  5. Strengthen health resilience through comprehensive public awareness campaigns
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people projected to be chronically undernourished in 2030. (FAO, 2023)
0 million
people projected to be chronically undernourished in 2030. (FAO, 2023)
0 million

Input from Working Group Leaders...

Placeholders Communique Page Peace And Justice

Peace and Justice

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  • Abuse of emerging technologies
  • Upholding human rights in practice and policy
  • Strong infrastructure and institutions

Key Recommendations

  1. Create tamper-resistant digital identity systems
  2. Implement training and protections for emerging technologies
  3. Convene global AI stakeholders to ensure its proper implementation
  4. Ensure human rights protection in existing and new legislation
  5. Develop anti-corruption practices and systems to ensure strong institutions
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of the world’s population are not considered to be entirely free. (Freedom House, 2023)
of the world’s population are not considered to be entirely free. (Freedom House, 2023)

Input from Working Group Leaders...


Younga® is the largest global festival for impact. Using mixed reality, Younga unites young people with decision-makers to co-create solutions for a more inclusive, sustainable world during the United Nations Decade of Action from 2020 to 2030.

Through interactive and intergenerational experiences, Younga equips young people with skill-building opportunities, action-oriented programming and curated connections.

As a global participatory platform, Younga empowers youth to share their hopes, concerns and ideas for the future with the world’s top industry leaders, celebrity influencers, brands and organizations.

About BridgingTheGap Ventures

BridgingTheGap Ventures is a social enterprise that curates youth-relevant, purpose-driven content, communities and collaborative experiences.

Providing access is central to all that we do—bridging opportunity gaps for underrepresented and underserved groups so they can adapt and thrive in the future of work, pursue innovation and entrepreneurship and scale their social impact. Providing access is central to all that we do—bridging opportunity gaps for underrepresented and underserved groups so they can adapt and thrive in the future of work, pursue innovation and entrepreneurship and scale their social impact.

BridgingTheGap is the global hub for all of the spokes in the youth sector—connecting, supporting and driving impact for all. BridgingTheGap is the global hub for all of the spokes in the youth sector—connecting, supporting and driving impact for all.

Download the complete 2023-2024 Communiqué to access all of the issues and recommendations brought forth by our 2023 Youth Delegation