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Expert-Led Sessions:
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Receive access to expert-led sessions featuring world leaders, decision-makers and celebrity influencers.
Global Network of Purposeful Leaders
Impactful Projects,
Expert Advice
Participate in networking, skill enrichment, collaborative opportunities, and receive tangible career and entrepreneurship advice to initiate, execute, and amplify project impact.
Earn the global title of 2025 Younga Community Champion!
Added perks include:
- Early access to redeem for BTGx expert mentor calls
- Story profile on YOUNGA’s social media and content platforms
- Select event invitations and speaker opportunities
- Media exposure and promotion through Younga platforms
- And more!
2. Have an active BridgingTheGap Membership
3. Submit a Video Testimonial
Earn the global title of 2024 YOUNGA Community Champion!
Added perks include:
- Early access to redeem for BTGx expert mentor calls
- Story profile on YOUNGA’s social media and content platforms
- Select event invitations and speaker opportunities
- Media exposure and promotion through YOUNGA platforms
- And more!
1. Be a Top 25 BTGx Earner of the YOUNGA 2023 Action Challenge
2. Have an active BridgingTheGap Membership
3. Submit a Video Testimonial
Learn from our mentors
What Our Community is Saying
Average leaders raise the bar on themselves; good leaders raise the bar for others; great leaders inspire others to raise their own bar thats what yonga made me feel like. this platform made me see that nothing will work unless you do
YOUNGA 2023 taught me the importance of taking part in a community of like-minded peers, despite working on individual projects. Hearing from others who have similar goals and ambitions helped me develop the courage to push for change.
Take Action Day during YOUNGA 2023 was incredibly inspiring. I shared a story of resilience from the Andean highlands of Peru, highlighting the strength of the people. This day empowered me to make a positive impact.
Networking session, it is my pleasure to meet a lot of likeable minds through YOUNGA. Seeing youths from all around the world who are active in creating impact and solutions towards the SDGs, I was inspired and motivated to keep going.
My top takeaway from Younga 2022 is knowing new collages from different countries , learn how to detect problem starting from priorities to take action
As a high school student, I am really inspired by the power of fellows who is making a difference the community. I am incredibly honoured to meet these people and learn from them.
The sessions were well designed and the facilitators were resourceful. I loved the shared community, connection and discusions at the working group with a diverse spread of delegates.
Goals are like road maps; they get you from one point to another.We live in exciting and interesting times. We live at the crossroads of revolutions in different fields but we laugh to motivate and this younga did same with me.
100+ industry partners, reaching young leaders across 243 Nations and Territories
- Climate Action and Sustainable Living
- Equality and Inclusion
- Future of Education and Work
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Peace and Justice
Explore cross-cutting topics with experts in social innovation, technology and mindfulness.